
Insurance Cards

Each time I took mom to the emergency room or the doctor, I was asked for insurance information.  She had Medicare insurance and supplemental health insurance from a private company.  Having copies of the insurance cards made the patient registration process easier and quicker.  Mom visited the hospital or emergency room over 8 times (I lost count) for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) between January 2023 and August 2024.  

Most of the facilities I visted had mom's information in an electronic medical record called Epic.  Although her insurance information was on file, I still needed to confirm the information.

Keep copies of all insurance cards in a document binder for quick access.

Please keep the originals in a safe place such as a home safe or safe deposit box at a bank.  You don't want to risk losing these documents and having to get copies later as your stress increases.

You can also keep copies in online storage such as Microsoft 365 OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive or other similar cloud storange.  Click the button below to learn more about how technology can help you in your caregiving journey. 

Using Technology

Created: 09/08/2024